
Showing posts from January, 2019

Week 4: Preparing to Film

This week Ryan and I will be focusing on the logistics of our film opening and the process of creating it. We must take the following elements into consideration so that we can make a successful film opening. Actors Ryan will be the main actor of our opening. We may have some extras in some areas, but Ryan will likely be starring alone in the opening. Costumes Ryan will be wearing athletic clothing for the basketball part and then a shirt and tie during the commitment part. Props We will need a basketball and college hats. We will also need a table for the signing and a pen and paper. Locations We will be filming at a basketball court. We can find basketball courts at parks or at the YMCA. We think we will probably use the Naples YMCA. Dates and Times Time will vary depending on each different scene. Mostly this will take place in the day probably in the beginning of February. We will begin filming next week, February 4-10. Scripts We will have a script for the dialog

Week 3: Storyboard

Here is Ryan and I's storyboard for our film opening. The first scene will show a boy playing basketball, allowing viewers to see his talent. Next, he is choosing his college at which he will lay basketball. However, he hurts himself badly. His basketball career is in jeopardy.  Ryan had the job of writing everything down and drawing the pictures. I came up with most of the ideas. We knew that a drama film had to have a very dramatic scene at the end of its opening, something that would alter the course of the status quo, and we thought that a potentially career-ending injury could serve as a life changing event for the basketball player. 

Week 2: Brainstorming

Film Notes Rise I really liked the creative camera shots throughout the film opening, such as the camera placed in the trunk of the car. Other shots, such as the bird's eye shot of the boy walking and his things being dropped in the grass were very interesting. The follow shot of the boy playing soccer was very cool. I liked how the music got intense as the boy was shooting goals, and then faded (but didn't go away) when a different person started talking. However, sometimes the changes in music level was too intense. I liked the music choice for this kind of film opening. It created a very dramatic tone. Offline The choice of music seemed to suit the film drama. I can see that the creators of this film were going for an effect of contrast by showing both the girl in the cage and her going about her daily life at the same time. Dear Lover The music underlying the narrator's voice is effective at setting the mood that the filmmaker is trying to achieve. The end of t

Week 1: Inspiration for Genre

My partner and I chose to work with the genre of drama for our film opening project. We chose this drama because it is very versatile and can take elements from other film genres, yet almost always portrays an interesting and cohesive storyline. Many prevalent drama films have distinctive film openings that set them out from the rest. Successful film openings provide viewers with meaningful perspectives, giving them context that further allows them to understand and appreciate the upcoming  occurrences of the film. One drama film that sparked my interest was the 1997 film "Titanic" starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The film follows the story of a young couple who met on the ill-fated ship. The opening scenes include a much older Rose reflecting back on her time on the ship. The director of this movie chose to begin the film with a reflection on the upcoming plot because it provides viewers with a context of the history and timing of the film's occurrences. Th