Week 4: Preparing to Film

This week Ryan and I will be focusing on the logistics of our film opening and the process of creating it. We must take the following elements into consideration so that we can make a successful film opening.

Ryan will be the main actor of our opening. We may have some extras in some areas, but Ryan will likely be starring alone in the opening.

Ryan will be wearing athletic clothing for the basketball part and then a shirt and tie during the commitment part.

We will need a basketball and college hats. We will also need a table for the signing and a pen and paper.

We will be filming at a basketball court. We can find basketball courts at parks or at the YMCA. We think we will probably use the Naples YMCA.

Dates and Times
Time will vary depending on each different scene. Mostly this will take place in the day probably in the beginning of February. We will begin filming next week, February 4-10.

We will have a script for the dialogue of the opening. However, most of the opening will not contain any speaking. Where there needs to be a script, we will create one.

Film Equipment
We will be using a camera and a tripod. This equipment will help us in creating a stable film and to use strategic camera shots.
