Week 2: Brainstorming

Film Notes

I really liked the creative camera shots throughout the film opening, such as the camera placed in the trunk of the car. Other shots, such as the bird's eye shot of the boy walking and his things being dropped in the grass were very interesting. The follow shot of the boy playing soccer was very cool. I liked how the music got intense as the boy was shooting goals, and then faded (but didn't go away) when a different person started talking. However, sometimes the changes in music level was too intense. I liked the music choice for this kind of film opening. It created a very dramatic tone.

The choice of music seemed to suit the film drama. I can see that the creators of this film were going for an effect of contrast by showing both the girl in the cage and her going about her daily life at the same time.

Dear Lover
The music underlying the narrator's voice is effective at setting the mood that the filmmaker is trying to achieve. The end of the film opening is effective in setting up the plot of the story and drawing the attention of viewers, something that other openings were lacking in. The establishing shots at the beginning of the opening scenes are helpful to the viewer in understanding the setting and the state of mind of the main character.

Dare to Thrill
This opening is slightly confusing as things just seem to be happening without any real explanation. However, the camera shots when all the kids got to the car and started it were very cool. The film opening was very action-packed and the filmmakers chose good music. However, the end was confusing and the film did not seem to be heading in any particular direction.

Always Watching
This opening, though creative, seemed to be too scripted and fabricated. The music choice, to me, was too cliche for a horror film. The voices of the characters were too quiet but the music was too loud. I think the filmmakers told too much of the story throughout the opening scenes and did not leave much left to be told throughout the film. Perhaps more creativity and innovative thinking could have helped the filmmakers create a more intriguing opening.

The Blue Boar
The beginning of this opening was very effective in setting up a small plot for the main character to break into song. The setting reflected the type of song being sung very well, as they both had light, happy tones. The symbolism at the end of the opening clearly referenced the film's title, something that may be significant at a later point of the film.

The Scene
The usage of sound was very creative and well done in the beginning of the opening and portrayed the feelings of the girl effectively. When the opening went back in time, there was a very obvious change in the film's tone, something that displayed the change in the girl that had happened over a relatively short period of time. This film opening was very effective in creating a setup for the rest of the film.

White Coat
I really liked the usage of sound and music at the beginning of the opening. These effects worked very well in conversation with one another. The shots of the boy in the chair were very well done and the mood of the film was very clear. The music and the shots worked well together to interest the viewer into watching the rest of the film.

The beginning of the opening was rather repetitive and inconsequential. So many shots of the girl waking up and brushing her hair should not have been included. The sound effects were not put into the film realistically. With better usage of sound effects and camera shots, this film opening could have been very successful.

While the music and shots worked together well to create a mood for the film, there was no real plot setup. The film opening was not effective in creating the beginning of the cohesive story. Rather, the film opening seemed to be just shots of a woman and a painting stringed together.

Lost & Found
The animation at the beginning of the opening scenes was very cool and creative. The editing techniques and the usage of music worked very well and the opening was intriguing. While the filmmakers did not deliberately create a plot for the film, the other elements of the opening were effective enough to make up for it.

I found that the usage of camera shots is arguably the most important element of creating a film opening. The parts of the film openings that had creative shots and angles were the most appealing to me. I also found that we must be careful in putting music and sounds into our films by making sure that no sound is too loud compared to other sounds in the film. I also found that most of the good film openings were effective in constructing a problem or issue to be followed up with. I learned that these important aspects of film, such as camera shots, sound, and plot setup, are very important in the creation of a cohesive story in the beginning of the film. For my own film, I think Ryan and I can find ways to implement creativity into our opening that will make it appealing to viewers.
