
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 7: 5 Master Edit Examples

Contrast My example of Contrast is from the 1977 Star Wars movie, "A New Hope." As you can see, the characters inside the spacecraft are in a developed and modernized building. It is mostly white. However, the scene also portrays the outside of the spacecraft, in which another is arriving. The outside of the spaceship is dark and endless. These two very different scenes signify contrast, although this scene could also be used for simultaneity because both scenes are happening at the same time. Parallelism I found parallelism in a television show called "The Fall." As you can see, two different characters are walking up the same set of stairs at different times. This is parallelism because the timing is matched up and similar elements of the scenes are brought together. Both cuts tie together very well, and the actions of one character versus the other go together seamlessly. Simultaneity I found an example of simultaneity in the National Geographic series

Weeks 5-6: 5 Master Edits

Link to our video: The first edit we showed was contrast. As you can see in the video, the quiet hallway and the noisy classroom are very different. Comparing these two environments help the viewer understand why entering such a lively classroom could be daunting. The next edit was parallelism. We showed two very similar subjects going to the same place. The two backgrounds are very similar and have similar elements. The next edit we used was symbolism. We used the eye of a gator to symbolize the eye of a human. The transition between these two different but comparable objects is the reason why this edit is an example of symbolism. After symbolism, we chose to show simultaneity. One character is focused on their own appearance while the other is waiting for that person to be done. Because the shots go back and forth between two events happening at the same time, it is an example of simultaneity. The last edit we showed was Leit Motif. When the so