Week 7: 5 Master Edit Examples

My example of Contrast is from the 1977 Star Wars movie, "A New Hope." As you can see, the characters inside the spacecraft are in a developed and modernized building. It is mostly white. However, the scene also portrays the outside of the spacecraft, in which another is arriving. The outside of the spaceship is dark and endless. These two very different scenes signify contrast, although this scene could also be used for simultaneity because both scenes are happening at the same time.

I found parallelism in a television show called "The Fall." As you can see, two different characters are walking up the same set of stairs at different times. This is parallelism because the timing is matched up and similar elements of the scenes are brought together. Both cuts tie together very well, and the actions of one character versus the other go together seamlessly.

I found an example of simultaneity in the National Geographic series, "Genius." The two characters are having a conversation while in real life and while on an imaginary train during a storm. Although the train scene is in the minds of the characters, the film still portrays two different scenes happening at once. For this reason, it is an example of simultaneity.

The symbolism edit was used in the James Bond movie, "Skyfall." In the introduction of the movie, a woman is holding a gun. As the camera zooms into the gun, a whole world of flames develops behind it. This is an example of symbolism because one element of a cut becomes the beginning of another cut. It adds a lot to the opening scenes of this movie.

Leit Motif
My example of Leit Motif is from the original movie, "Jurassic Park." The characters are in a helicopter on their way to the Jurassic Park, and when it is noticed that they have arrived at the island, recognizable music starts playing. The music that is played here is played every time people enter the park or arrive at the island. When the music starts playing, it signifies the entrance of Jurassic Park.
