Weeks 5-6: 5 Master Edits

Link to our video:

The first edit we showed was contrast. As you can see in the video, the quiet hallway and the noisy classroom are very different. Comparing these two environments help the viewer understand why entering such a lively classroom could be daunting.

The next edit was parallelism. We showed two very similar subjects going to the same place. The two backgrounds are very similar and have similar elements.

The next edit we used was symbolism. We used the eye of a gator to symbolize the eye of a human. The transition between these two different but comparable objects is the reason why this edit is an example of symbolism.

After symbolism, we chose to show simultaneity. One character is focused on their own appearance while the other is waiting for that person to be done. Because the shots go back and forth between two events happening at the same time, it is an example of simultaneity.

The last edit we showed was Leit Motif. When the sound effects come on, you know the character is about to trip and fall. The sound signals that something is about to happen.


  1. I really enjoyed this video! My favorite clip was of symbolism, in which you filmed into the eye of the Florida Gator and out through the eye of the subject. I believe that for a college, both the mascot and the students represent the school and its morals. Thus, the symbolism in this clip helped to bring together two of the most defining factors of the school, which are the students and the mascot. Overall, this clip was thought provoking and symbolic of the meaning of a university.

  2. Cori, great examples! My two favorites were the Leitmotif and simultaneity, they were very funny. You were very creative for only filming in the school which i found very interesting. All of your scenes were a good length which made it very easy to understand each specific type of editing technique.

  3. This video was super fun to watch! While all of the shots were hilarious, my favorite was the simultaneity edit because it humorously represented the vanity of humans and how it affects the people around us. Overall, it was a really enjoyable video.


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