
Week 3: Creative Critical Reflection

Here is the link to my CCR video! Script: Hi. My name is Corazon Holloway and I directed the opening to the drama film “ A Prodigy’s Downfall.” To establish the genre of drama in our film opening, we used many conventions common to the genre. We used realism deliberately. While, of course, being a star athlete is generally not relatable to most people, it is a situation that most people will recognize and be familiar with. It’s not unusual or unrealistic. Realism and relatability are key conventions of the drama genre. Another common convention of drama is the buildup of tension throughout the film and its scene. The actor and I tried to deliberately increase the tension that the film created throughout our opening. As the music continued and intensified, and the scene switched from cuts of action and the player committing to play college basketball, we attempted to invoke feelings of intensity and urgency that the viewer was feeling. One specific cut that we included was the mai

Week 2: Final Cut

Here is the link for the final cut of our movie opening. We made a few changes to improve our opening. One significant change we made was taking out a repeated clip in the opening. We had a shot of Ryan picking a hat showing twice. Obviously, that was a problem, so we took one out. Another change we did is setting up the plot of the movie towards the end of the opening. In the first cut, the direction in which the movie was going was not clear. We added sirens at the end of the opening to not only create suspense, but to set up the plot in some way. We also took out some sound of our original clips. In the first cut, there was a clip where you could faintly hear me say "go" to Ryan. This was obviously mistakenly included, and so we took it out on the final cut.

Week 1: First Cut of Opening

Click here to see the first cut of our film opening.

Week 8: Editing Part Two

This week, Ryan and I continued our work editing our film opening. We used the Adobe editing software to do this. Here are some pictures: We faced the difficulty of losing the videos since the last time we had edited. We had not realized that the computer was reading the videos from the flash drive. We fixed this by ultimately finding a way to put the files in the computer's drive. We are deciding to include simple fonts in the movie, that are bold but not extreme. We mostly cut from shot to shot because of the high-energy needed in the opening. Our audio will be an upbeat, intense song playing in the background. The player will be having flashbacks to successful moments in his basketball career as he plays. The song will overlay all of this. Today, we spent about half of an hour editing. We will most likely have to do additional filming in the future.

Week 7: Editing Part 1

This week, my partner, Ryan, and I began editing for our film opening. We uploaded all of our videos to the school computer and to the editing software. We deleted clips that we didn't want to use in our final opening and began ordering the clips in the way we wanted them to appear. Here are some pictures of the editing process beginning: We have not yet incorporated titles and fonts into our movie, but they will most likely either be white text on a black screen in bold font or overlaying the opening. We are mostly doing cuts from shot to shot and are not using many transitions, because the opening is fast-paced. We have decided on putting a song that is fast-paced, likely an instrumental of a well-known song, over our shots, because it is supposed to be up-beat. We will have to find a version of this that will not include copyright. Some problems we encountered included figuring out how to get the video files from my computer to the editing software and a few technic

Week 6: Filming Part 2

This week, Ryan and I filmed for our opening. Here are some clips: It was hard to keep the camera steady. We also found it difficult to film in a gym when many other people were there, but we had no other choice. Considering the obstacles we faced, I think we did a good job in our filming. We didn't have to worry about having quiet, because our film opening is going to have background music as the only sound. We have a lot of editing to do!

Week 5: Filming Part 1

This week, Ryan and I gathered all necessary materials for filming and visited the setting where we will be filming our film opening. Here are some pictures:  Here is the costume of our main character, the talented basketball player. He will be wearing this while we are filming the action shots and other parts of the opening related to the sport. These are the college selection hats that our character picks from when doing his official signing to play basketball in college.   These are a couple of shots of the shoes and basketball that we will be using to film in the facility the we are shooting in. Here is the facility that we are shooting in. It is a basketball court, which is very appropriate for the plot of our opening.  We faced the challenge of finding a basketball facility to film in that would not have many people in it, so that we would not disturb them and we could have quiet for our film. We overcame this challenge by visiting the facility at a tim