Week 5: Filming Part 1

This week, Ryan and I gathered all necessary materials for filming and visited the setting where we will be filming our film opening.

Here are some pictures:

 Here is the costume of our main character, the talented basketball player. He will be wearing this while we are filming the action shots and other parts of the opening related to the sport.

These are the college selection hats that our character picks from when doing his official signing to play basketball in college. 

 These are a couple of shots of the shoes and basketball that we will be using to film in the facility the we are shooting in.

Here is the facility that we are shooting in. It is a basketball court, which is very appropriate for the plot of our opening. 

We faced the challenge of finding a basketball facility to film in that would not have many people in it, so that we would not disturb them and we could have quiet for our film. We overcame this challenge by visiting the facility at a time that was not very busy, on Sunday morning. 
