Week 7: Editing Part 1

This week, my partner, Ryan, and I began editing for our film opening. We uploaded all of our videos to the school computer and to the editing software. We deleted clips that we didn't want to use in our final opening and began ordering the clips in the way we wanted them to appear.

Here are some pictures of the editing process beginning:

We have not yet incorporated titles and fonts into our movie, but they will most likely either be white text on a black screen in bold font or overlaying the opening. We are mostly doing cuts from shot to shot and are not using many transitions, because the opening is fast-paced. We have decided on putting a song that is fast-paced, likely an instrumental of a well-known song, over our shots, because it is supposed to be up-beat. We will have to find a version of this that will not include copyright. Some problems we encountered included figuring out how to get the video files from my computer to the editing software and a few technical problems with the computer. We solved these problems by seeking help from our teacher. Today, we spent about forty minutes getting all of the files in the right place and editing. We did not have to do any additional filming this week, but we will likely have to in the weeks ahead.
