Weeks 8-9: Sound

5 Master Edits With Sound

Link to our video: click here

1. Direct Sound
In our contrast edit, we chose to leave the natural sound with the video. These sounds help the viewer understand the difference between the quiet hallway and the loud classroom. It adds to the value of the contrast edit. It is a diegetic sound.

2. Sound Bridge
In our parallelism edit, we chose to add a sound bridge to the entire edit. It added more meaning to the edit, evoking the viewer's emotions. The music helps the viewer understand the importance of the edit, and the relationship going on between the two scenes. It is a non-diegetic sound.

3. Post-Synchronization Dubbing
In our symbolism edit, we chose to add a ding to the part of the clip when one eye turned into another. This eye signifies something important happening in our film, and it is a form of diegetic sound.

4. Music
To use for our leitmotif edit, we used a short clip of music to the film every time the character was about to fall. This added a sense of comedy to the video. It also signifies to viewers that something is about to happen.


  1. I really like the piano music you chose for the sound bridge! I thought it was really effective. I also like how you kept the direct sound for the conctrast scene. The orginal audio worked really well for conveying the difference between the classroom and the hallway.

  2. I really liked the music you put in your leitmotif clip! It was very abrupt each time the subject fell down, and the loud drum music helped to make that abruptness and humor even more defined as the two aspects went together.

  3. I really liked the ding that added to the symbolism clip. It really emphasized the relationship between the two eyes. I also liked music you used for the leitmotif the wildness of the drums really compounded the confusion that the viewer feels with the abrupt falling of the character.

  4. I like the sound you used on your leitmotif clip. The way Ryan fell was very humorous which matched the silly music.

  5. I don't know why that says unknown, that was me Kaelyn.


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