Week 3: Camera Shots Commentary

I chose to comment on Kaelyn and Ryan's blog posts.
On Kaelyn's, I commented on the tilt shot, high-angle shot, freeze-frame shot, and flash shot. On the tilt shot, I noted that it made me feel curious because of the unique angle, but pleased because of the interesting subject the shot portrayed. On the high-angle shot, I wrote that it was enjoyable to watch and provided a unique perspective. It showed me a larger perspective, and made it clear that there are more things in the picture than just the main subject. I also liked the freeze-frame shot she used. In the context of her video, the shot was being used more humorously than anything else, so it made me laugh. However, I can also see that shot being used in a more serious context. Also interesting was the flash shot she used. It carried a surprise of a subject I liked, so I felt happy, but I have also seen this shot used in scary situations, like in horror films.
On Ryan's, I commented on the point-of-view shot, high-angle shot, dolly shot, and choker shot. I noted that the point-of-view shot was interesting and provided a rarely seen perspective. In this particular shot, it was used in a humorous way, so it made me laugh, however, I can also see how the shot could be used in other ways and cause different emotions. I also commented on how the high-angle shot was interesting. To me, it was exciting because there was action in his shot. However, it did make me feel like the characters weren't as significant because there was such a big scene being portrayed. The dolly shot was very interesting to me. It was showing a tense situation, so it made me feel slightly anxious, but there is such a wide variety of situations that can be portrayed with a dolly shot that it has potential to make the viewer feel any emotion. Finally, I commented on the choker shot and how it made me feel curious about what was happening in the shot. There wasn't much context provided, so it definitely sparked my interest.
