Week 2: Types of Camera Shots

Camera Shots Project- Week 2


This is a cameo shot. Creating this shot was fairly easy and straightforward, but I can see how these shots can be considered uninteresting in some situations.

This type of shot is a close shot, where you can see the subject from the mid-waist up. I liked that you can have different types of backgrounds when working with this shot.


This is a dolly shot. While this was fun to film, I did notice that keeping the camera steady is difficult because the camera was not on actual tracks.


This is an extreme close-up shot. I like the detail that it provides, but I have to assume that they are used sparingly in films. Having these shots repeatedly would be confusing and create a negative experience.


This is a high angle shot. In our situation, it was somewhat impractical because the camera quality on my cell phone is not great. However, I can see the value of this type of shot in films.


This is an extreme long shot. Filming this was rather easy. I can see how this shot can provide viewers with an interesting and new perspective in a film.


This is a low-angle shot. We chose to film this because this type of shot stands out to me as being prominent in music videos. I see this shot being used more in lighthearted situations than in serious films.


This is an eye level shot. I find this shot to be very similar to the cameo shot. However, I think this holds potentially more value because different types of backgrounds can be used, which can ultimately be used to create diverse shots in film.


This is a long shot. I find that this shot could be more useful if the camera was of higher quality and there was more of an interesting environment.


This is a medium-long shot. It wasn't very interesting in this situation, but I see how it can portray many events in a real film.

This is a head-on shot. To me, if this kind of shot was incorporated into a movie, it would be very exciting and interesting.


This is a point-of-view shot. I think this type of shot is used more in video games than anything else, and if it was used in a film or movie, it would be rather inappropriate.


  1. Wow very interesting shots! The POV shot is one of the most unique shots I've seen in this series of camera angles. I also can tell that some shots such as head on shots, extreme long shots, and close shots are used in films and television series. Overall, I like the creativity of these shots!

  2. I enjoyed watching the dolly shot because although it is hard to film and keep steady, it feels as if you are walking with the subject and are there in the scene with them.
    I also think the high angle shot gave a really unique perspective and allowed you to fully observe the scene laid out in front of you.
    I liked your perspective on the low angle shot. It is very commonly used in music videos and I never would have thought about that before.
    The extreme close up shot was very uncomfortable because I could see all of the pores in his skin as well as all the hairs on his face.

  3. Great job with your camera angles! I really enjoyed the head-on shot, eye-level shot, low angle shot, and cameo shot.

    The head-on shot gave me a sense of excitement as it was action packed and gave me the feeling that I was in the film.

    The eye-level shot gave me a sense of interest and curiosity, as the shot captured a lot of detail and depicted the emotion of the character featured in the shot.

    I felt a sense of interest when watching the low angle shot as I found the shot highlighted the characters featured and made them appear as an important attribute to the shot.

    The cameo shot gave me a similar feeling as the shot focused on the character and made the character seem to be an important attribute of the shot.

  4. I like as to how straightforward you are when talking about the cameo shot being considered uninteresting in some situations. I think you provided a good example of a cameo shot as well being that its just limited to that white wall. The shot overall gave me discomfort because it seemed as if it was an interview or in a more formal setting. Your eye level shot was at the perfect height matching Ryans eyes so it did seem as if the viewer was another character in the scene. I also liked how you included the importance of these shots opposed to cameo shots. The Eye level shot made it seem as if I were in the scene giving me a sense of inclusivity. The point of view shot was interesting to watch because it feels as if you're watching through a lens. I appreciated that you included the information that its used more in video games than anything else as well. The low angle shot made me feel as if it I was being looked down upon, almost giving me a sense of inferiority. The music video was a fantastic example.


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