
Showing posts from April, 2019

Week 3: Creative Critical Reflection

Here is the link to my CCR video! Script: Hi. My name is Corazon Holloway and I directed the opening to the drama film “ A Prodigy’s Downfall.” To establish the genre of drama in our film opening, we used many conventions common to the genre. We used realism deliberately. While, of course, being a star athlete is generally not relatable to most people, it is a situation that most people will recognize and be familiar with. It’s not unusual or unrealistic. Realism and relatability are key conventions of the drama genre. Another common convention of drama is the buildup of tension throughout the film and its scene. The actor and I tried to deliberately increase the tension that the film created throughout our opening. As the music continued and intensified, and the scene switched from cuts of action and the player committing to play college basketball, we attempted to invoke feelings of intensity and urgency that the viewer was feeling. One specific cut that we included was the mai